Uranium Adsorption – Tusaar Media out performs the competition in TDR, sea water & presence of high nitrates
In the National Laboratory’s batch tests Tusaar media matches the best ion exchange on other variables
Tusaar’s ability to perform well in high TDS, sea water, and in the presence of high nitrates is a significant advantage. Against other measures, the Tusaar media sequestered uranium as well as the best ion exchange medias tested at this facility
In a recent report from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, uranium adsorption on Tusaar media was measured. CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company is currently operating the Hanford Site 200 West Area groundwater pump-and-treat system. They were selected to perform remedial action under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Record of Decision for Operable Unit (OU) 200-ZP-1. This report documented the results of treatability tests which Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) researchers conducted to quantify the ability of selected products to adsorb uranium from 200 West Area groundwater.
Order Report Online at: http://www.ntis.gov or Email: [email protected]
Uranium Mine Drainage:
Tusaar media effectively sequestered uranium while other technologies struggled.
At the request of a local water utility Tusaar media was tested on the drainage from a disused uranium mine. Best available technologies have been used to treat the flow but it still contains over 13 times the federal permitted amount of uranium along with other metals.